Pokeball Incubator
Today we are happy to announce the Pokeball incubator, we will help some new BSC projects to launch, we would advise them and help in exchange of a portion of their pools.
Pokeball incubator will make $POKE deflationary, with the portion of their pools we´ll use 50% of the rewards for buyback and burn $POKE daily, at some point $POKE supply will be deflationary!
This week we´ll announce the first project that will use Pokeball incubator.
Pokeball contract: 0xcdad3683335a4a96d2c437dd4513b061e4aec4ff
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/PokeballFinance
Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/pokeball